Architecture & Design
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web 08.27 facade perspective1.1-1.jpg

A Fifteen Units Apartment South Central Los Angeles, CA
Design Studio Project Fall 2017

The x 15 develops a co-housing project that includes 15 affordable units. Gardens are essential to the overall design. A shared garden is located on the south side of the building on each level.  Together with the curved language that relates to nature, the project re-imagines the futuristic landscape through the terraced formation. The garden is open to the public through a set of continuous stairs that allow visitors to circulate around the gardens on all levels.

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The shifts of locations for the apartment units in sections introduce the idea of flow to the vertical dimension. Both the floor and ceiling plates for the units have gentle shifts in elevation to enhance the overall flow. It also enables variations for the garden locations on each floor plate.


The design for the windows on both the front and back facades follow the curved language used in the terrace gardens. The extended floor plates are utilized as shading options for the level below. The ground floor is used as potential retail spaces and the 15 units are located on the upper levels. While the stairs in the front provide an opportunity for the public to enjoy the gardens, a set of functional stairs and elevators is located on the other end for functional uses.
