Architecture & Design



A Poetic Playground
Design Studio Project Spring 2016

This project is an exercise that explores the potentials of curved forms. I want to celebrate the complexity and fluidity of the curves and at the same time embrace the tensions between the forms and the functional spaces they can generate. In this case, the functions of these spaces are not predetermined. The inhabitable spaces that are designed at various scales give users the freedom to determine their activities. The curving petals imitate the gesture of a floral blossom, which aims to attract people to interact and play. The project does not have a specific site, but its unique formal qualities give it the potential to be located anywhere and still stand out from its surroundings.

03.09 movement ver.2-01.png
03.09 re-operation final-01.png

The formal system explores the potentials of curved surfaces that can be generated from a cube. The iterations of combining three modules of curved surfaces generate spaces at three scales. These spaces have multiple levels of enclosure that create various zones of inhabitation.

08.26 RE-tent sections-01.png

For the spatial organization of the tent ground, the large space is located at the center for public gatherings. The main gathering space then spreads out in two directions and generates sequential medium and small spaces. All the spaces are connected with points of concentration to achieve continuity. At the same time, the organization investigates the relationship between the individual and the collective, form, and human inhabitation.

02.12 body-space-action1-01.jpg
02.12 body-space-action3-01.jpg
02.12 body-space-action2-01.jpg

The formal operation is based on movement studies of individuals, small groups, and large groups. The three categories of gathering spaces are designed based on the interactions at these three scales.

model photo-plan.png

The ideal point-to-point connections are celebrated here in literal forms. The connections celebrate the spatial tension between the smooth edges and sharp points in an idealized way.

09.02 close up perpsective.png
09.02 elevation perspective.png