Architecture & Design




The Future Library University of Genoa, Italy
Design Competition Spring 2019

Modern-day public space separates users through physical partitions, rigid arrangement of fixtures, and organization of spaces based on the general level of privacy. DECIBEL, a reimagination of Future Library, chose acoustic as the primary element of partition. Realized through a field of identical sound-absorbing panels forming distinctive hemispherical domes, the new space allows for the simultaneously dwelling of quiet individuals and lousy group discussions. Joined through the visual connection between types of study groups, the entire space of the 6th floor, is now one.

Our design aims to challenge the contemporary rigidness and introduces Artificial Intelligence to provide flexibility and answer the demand of the future. Through the application of software such as, usage of our space is analyzed, predicted, and then deployed. Based on the level and types of student study groups, DECIBEL automatically reconfigures daily activities to fit the need of the public.

Finalist Entry as Team XYZ Architecture (Xiaotong Ni/ Jiansong Yuan/ Jiajie Zhao)

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The mezzanine and the larger public study space are connected through the sphere, centered on the entrance stair. The sphere is manipulated to follow the clearance of the existing hallway below, providing continuous access to the classrooms below yet inviting students to the newly built study space. The area enclosed by the sphere is used as a common space to accommodate the arrival of students. It then becomes a point of focus visually, from the mezzanine to the study room, as well as both physically and acoustically. The goal of our sphere is to provide and attract, a turning point before or after an intense study session.

The remaining hemispheric domes represent the center of the space, connecting visually the mezzanine to the public study area. To accommodate all types of studiers, the sphere acts as separation to two kinds of study areas offered in our space, one that is flexible, innovative (large study space) and one that is fixed and traditional (Mezzanine space).

Made out of highly absorbent fabric, the 30cm x 30cm hexagon panels are attached to hydraulic rods 3.5cm in diameter. The free connector at the joint allows for 270° rotations of the panel. Together, the panels are able to form an acoustic dome capable of spatial separations. Based on the angle of each panel, the level of privacy could be adjusted accordingly. When fully retracted, the panels could provide a most basic level of acoustic benefits allowing the space to be used for large events and gatherings without disturbance to surrounding classrooms and areas.

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